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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cooper loves Watermelon!!!

Chris & I went to DC for a long weekend with his company and Cooper spent the weekend with Emme & Poppa Joe (aka Poppy... he can't decide what he wants to be called) ... Cooper loves his frog (it was mine when I was younger).
Looks like Emme was playing school with Cooper & he was raising his hand to answer the question! :)
Emme & Coop
Emme & Memother
Cooper has found the toilets... so far he has only found them with the lid closed (thank goodness) so he thinks it is his drum!
This is how I usually find Cooper when I call his name...
Love our little man!!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

It looks like me and Coop have some things in common...loving watermelon and having chub rolls. ;)

He's SOOO cute! Thanks for sharing these pics!